Advanced Jupyter topics

Sharing notebooks via github

GitHub renders Jupyter Notebooks on their site – see this for example.

To try this for yourself,

  1. Download your notebook from your running Jupyter site.
  2. Go to and create a new repository.
  3. Select the ‘README’ link at the top of the new repository.
  4. Enter something, click commit.
  5. Select “upload files”, and upload your downloaded notebook.
  6. If you click on the ipynb file in your repository you will now see your rendered notebook. This is something you can send to collaborators etc.

Distributing executable notebooks with github and mybinder

But wait! There’s more!

On public repositories, you can feed this github URL into and actually get it running – try it!

  • Go to and enter the URL of your github repo, then click “make my binder”.
  • wait a minute, then click “launch binder”.
  • voila, you’re at your github repo - but executing it.

Wait, where the heck is this all running?

(Discuss the architecture of Jupyter Notebooks)

Other cool notebook ideas: really interactive blog posts

See Tim Head’s demo

Other topics

  • comparison with RStudio, RMarkdown
  • running on your laptop; running on AWS

(Everything we’ve done in the notebook can be done on your laptop – you just have to install things ;).

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